My little girl is quite the hiker
We had a long 4-wheeler ride on the way up, so we strapped the dog in her crate so she could go with us.
Feeling a little drafty??
In deep concentration. It is serious stuff
Luckily Andi has shown no interest in guns, yet.
Coming back empty handed. So sad! The quails up there live to see another day.
Kemp and Andi with their first pumpkins of the season. And yes, I did those awesome faces on them all by myself.
the rope chair on a trip to the Discovery Center
Andi needed a little help from Dad
I just love my 2 kids
They have a grocery store there, it is really cute. Andi could have spent hours in there.
Kemp loved it too
Trying out the bed of nails
Those red marks are from her goggles. We finished our weekend at the YMCA for a little swimming. The Fizers came with us, and it was really fun. But this is the only picture I got there.
We like to pack alot of fun stuff in on Chad's 4 days off, and Kemp had a couple days off from school, so it was perfect timing. We always find lots to do, and we have a great time as a family. The fall is perfect weather so we will be doing more 4-wheeler rides before it gets too cold, and probably some fishing of course!