Tuesday, May 19, 2009


It is crazy around here right now. I like to procrastinate and make myself as stressed as possible, it is great fun! We are moving again, and we have to be out in 2 days. I know I will get it all done, but right now you woudn't beleive it if you saw the caos that is my house. We are moving a few miles away to a house my husband built that still hasn't sold. It is just sitting there, and since our lease is up in this house we figured it would be a good idea to move over there. We plan to buy again when our plans, and Chad's job is more secure. We still are not sure where we will end up, hopefull here,but you never know. Chad is working security at a hospital on the weekends, wich leaves his week open for construction, wich is good. His hours are brutal, 3 graveyard shifts in a row.

I broke my toe too, wich is complicating me trying to get aroung easily and pack. And it is a bummer with me training for a marathon. I can be a bit obsessive about running, so maybe it will be good to be forced to take a 2 week break. Or at least that is what I am telling myself over and over again :)

My kids are great, keeping me busy. I will post pictures of my Jessica's baby shower and moving when our computer is up and running. Hopefully we will all survive the rest of the week. You would think I would have this moving thing down by now!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Camping with the fizers

Andi, Hallie, and Hudson, playing with the toys
Here they are, lounging in their chairs
sister and brother at the hot springs
Hudson was obsessed with playing in his parent's van, it was so cute how he loved that steering wheel. He would play in there for an hour at a time, so adorable.
roasting some hot dogs
Krissy sharing a S'more with Hallie
Those s'mores were delicious!!
My favorite little man
The Fizer fam, except Hudson was sleeping peacefully in the trailer
Hallie and Chris
This is how I spent alot of my time, throwing the ball for the Pepsi
Chad getting ready to take Kemp swimming
Andi, fascinated with the rocks
Chad and Chris in the really hot pool
Andi and Dad
Hudson, Chris, and Kemper soakin up the sun
Hallie Boo, Kemper and me
I have been so excited to go camping for the first time this year, and finally it was warm enough to go! It was worth the wait, and totally fun. Krissy, Chris, and their two kids came with us. It was a bit chilly at night and early morning, but still great. We went to Anderson Ranch, they have natural hot springs there. It was so peaceful cause there was hardly anyone there, I guess we were the only ones who thought it was warm enough. The kids had so much fun, and played so great. Kemper asked on the way home if we could go back and live there.....forever. I love camping, no doubt about that. But I love my bed, and my tivo, just a bit more! I am glad the Fizer's came, they are a blast, and they always keep us laughing.