Friday, January 4, 2008

How does he do that?!

I swear Chad has this ability to lay with our kids, and they just go right of to sleep. It is so tender, I love it. At the same time I wish I could learn the trick cause I have tried to get Andie to sleep next to my like this, but she never has. And Kemper, well I have never even come close to getting him to sleep by me. I am thinking they can sense Chads laid back nature, and that is soothing for kids. It is possible he just bores them to sleep!! Joking, he is definatly not boring. He may be able to get them to sleep, but he can also get Kemper(and Andie soon, I'm sure) hyper in like 10 seconds flat.


Unknown said...

Chad has the same effect on me, I don't know what it is but everytime I am around him I always want to fall asleep....... oh that is because it takes him so long to get from point A to point B so I just sit there and wait and become tired. Unless we are driving behind you guys, seriously that guy drives like a crazy man! Definitly a different personality behind the wheel. I love that Chad too!

Michelle said...

It must be a dad thing. Mark can do the same thing.

Shalie said...

Chad and Kelli,
We had so much fun with you guys this weekend in McCall. Thank you for the invite! Kade has been talking non-stop about kemper and how excited he is to see him again. I guess we'll see you in a couple of weeks
thanks again
lots of love
Shalie and Grant