July 20th was 6 years for Chad and I. We are taking a trip to Vegas in August to celebrate. July is just way to crazy to celebrate this month. Anyway, I must say it has been an amazing 6 years. I could not ask for a greater husband. I never would have thought I'd be so happy with another person, and that my spouse would also be my best friend. The Lord has blessed us. I was really immature in my younger years, and I am just so grateful I was able to see what was right in front of me all along. So at the risk of sounding too cheesy, (probably too late) I know we have the fairytale, a realistic fairytale! Chadwick, I know you will read this and I hope you never loose sight of just how much I love you. I promise forever....remember.
9 months ago
Congrats! If you need company in Vegas you can always take us along :)
That is wonderful that you guys have had such a wonderful 6 yrs! I'm sure glad you married Chad.
Love you guys
That made me cry, I am such a boobe these days!! I am so glad you married chad too, because seriously before you came along he had some major issues, ha ha. Thanks I guess for making him so hip and cool! Love both of you guys and congrats on 6 years, pull your boot straps up becuase your approaching 7 quite rapidly!! ha ha
Congrats!!! We would love to see you when you come, but totally understand if you just want alone time! Just stay somewhere with a great pool, or you can hang out in my mom's:) You need a pool to survive here!
Brooke, I would love to see your little fam, and your mom and dad too. We will be in Vegas the 14th through the 17th, we should meet at the Hotel or at your new house, I would love to see it. I will talk to you more soon.
Congrats you guys on 6 great and happy years! You have such a cute family too! I can't believe it has been that long since you guys got hitched! Markham and I are just barely coming up on 4! But I had that unfortunate marriage before and all. I can't ever get that time back! Dang it! Have fun in Vegas! Love ya!
Kelly, this is Jen Howe (Arter). I'm not sure if you remember me but you taught me while you served in Vail, AZ. I have been trying to find you forever!!! It sounds like you and chad are doing wonderfully and your children are absolutely beautiful (which is no surprise). Congratulations on 6 years. I still remember the day you were sealed like it was yesterday. If you get a chance, please email me at jenhowe2003@gmail.com.
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