Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Officer Hessing......finally!

So I wanted to write this latest news down, so someday I can look back and remember how everything we had to go through this past year has been so worth it. And also, how the lows have made the highs even more meaningful, and how 2009 just made us stronger. And I will never, ever doubt again that the Lord hears, and answers prayers.

We found out yesterday that Chad has been hired by the Ada County Sheriffs Office! It was one of the greatest days ever. And a day we have been waiting for. But if you would have told me I would be waiting for it, and so excited a couple years ago I would have said you were crazy! I never thought my husband would want to be a cop. So a year and a half ago when he said, "I really want to be a Cop, what do you think about that?" I was supportive, but in the back of my mind was thinking, this is just a phase he is going through. Chad has always been in construction, since I met him, that is all I thought he would ever want to do. But what I thought was a phase, turned into a life changing journey for both of us. He started right away, testing and applying, he changed his major to criminal justice. He got a job doing Hospital security, thinking that would help his chances. He got a gym membership!! So I knew he was serious :)

And so begins our long road of devastating dissapointments, and amazing victories. Dramatic you say? Well I guess you just had to be there to understand. Only family and some really close friends will understand what I mean. And I don't want to go off on a tangent about all the negative things that happened, mostly becuase there was always so much good to hold on to as well. At his lowest point Chad said, "As long as I have you, and the kids, and you guys love me, we can get through this." And he was right:)

So looking back to times when we thought it was hopeless to keep trying, and when we thought we had lost the fight. Chad ends up getting hired by the department that was his first choice in the very begining, but they had a freeze for a year. So during that year, he was prepared, he learned. Our faith was tested to its absolute limits. And then the time was right, and he was ready, it happened. All the bitter sure does make it sweet, thats for sure.

So this year is going to be great, I can just feel it. Chad gets sworn in on the 25th of this month. He is still doing construction with the buisness he started, Kemper Construction. Ada County is great cause Chad will work 4 days on 4 days off. So that gives him time to do construction if he wants. And he deserves this more than anyone, he has been through so much. I am so glad he set out with this goal, and he was not giving up til he got it. He will be such a great police officer, and he will excel, he does that with everything he does. I know I am a little biast, but it is true! I just want everyone that was there for us to know how much I love and appreciate it. And all that love got me through, you will never know how much it has meant. So bring on 2010! We are ready. And rest assured Idaho is going to be a little safer now, ha ha!

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years Eve Party 2010!!!!!!!

I am such a lush, I know. (I don't know what is up with my blog format, this is not supposed to be the first picture, but I don't know how to fix it. It is bugging me!!) sorry, side note :)           Tom trying to open our sparkling Cidar        I was taking this during our toast!Brett is just way too cool for this partyThe boys playing the new Super Mario brothers wii game

Emily just really wanted to be next to Chad and I!

I love New Years Eve, and I think I am going to make this party thing a tradition. The best part of this New Years eve was Chad being able to get the night off. We didn't think there was any way he would be able to. That means I got my midnight kiss! So it was perfect having him there, along with great amazing friends! We ate great food everyone brought. We played some fun games. Especially one the Marlatts brought called Things. So fun!! The kids were awesome, and just played upstairs, they were just excited to stay up so late I think. I was sad the night had to end, but we finished of with a toast welcoming this new year, and all the great things it has in store.

Some random pictures from our Christmas Break.

Chad and Kemper with The snowman they built. Chad had the briliant idea to use spray paint! In the last picture you can see the spray paint, my boys are a little strange.Andi, loving the snowKemp and Jake at Aunt Emilys house.Ethan Curtis. So adorable.
We have been doing some fun things these past couple weeks, I have just been really bad at taking pictures, and at blogging! I don't know what my deal has been, another New Years resolution right!

Christmas 2009

Emmerson, Andi and Charli at Grandmas house on Christmas day.

Mom and Dad Fife

Dad Carving up the delicious Prime Rib.

Mom and Baby Nora

Kyle telling us a story at dinnerKyle and Kami

Andi in her new pink Tutu

Santa Brought Kemper a Ds and lots of games! Santa spent way too much money, too.

Kemper was pretty excited about his Indian Jones Legos

 Andi's Kitchen
Andi and Kemper Christmas morning opening their gifts.          Andi and Kemper in their Christmas Eve Pj's

Christmas this year was great of course! I am really bad about taking good pictures on Christmas though. I am better about filming. The day was great, we started the morning off opening gifts at our house. The kids slept in till 8:40, so that was awesome. Chad was such a trooper, he worked all night and then he only had like 4 hours of sleep before we headed out to see the grandparents, and family. Next year, my husband won't be a zombie for the holidays :) fingers crossed!