Kemp and his cousin Maddux. They are on the same team.
Andi was their number 1 fan!
Shaking hands after the game. We (the Broncos) beat the other team pretty good!
My brother Kip is their coach! He better take them far, or I want my money back bro!
Its pretty funny to watch these 1st graders try to play, especially since its their first game.
Put me in coach!! I won't let you down.
The circle they do with the other team before every game. All about peace, love and good sportmsmanship. Ya, ya...lets play some ball!!!
I just love how the kid on the left is picking his nose as they are getting ready to do their broncos cheer.
So kemp started Y ball a couple weeks ago. Having never played, at all, it has been fun to see him learn. He is getting the hang of it. However, I might have to accept the fact that my first born might always be way more into outdoor sports (fishing, hunting, shooting, ect) then he will ever be in to competetive sports. I want him to have all his options though, and he has fun, but does not have that desire that I see in some of the young boys on his team. Maybe it is too young to tell, I have no idea, this is our first time with all of this. And Basketball, soccer, or football might be his thing someday. I do see how he lights up when it comes to hunting, and fishing. Wich makes his dad proud, no doubt about that. And someday his wife might be grateful he could care less about fantasy football, or catching up on all his teams. ( Just like I am grateful Chad would rather watch Dexter with me, or go camping for the weekend!) But until then, I am loving watching him experience sports for the first time. And next we will try Karate, or Tao Kwan do.
11 months ago