Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Kempers last day of Preschool

Kemp said goodbye to his teacher Ms. Luce on monday. It has been a great year of preschool. I am so gald I put him in, and he will go back 3 days a week this fall. He has learned alot and made great friends. He will actually sit now and color, or do an art project. If you know how wild my little boy can be that is definatly progress!!


Shalie said...

Andie looks so big. She is so beautiful! Looks like you guys had a fun time at the park, tell Jennie Happy Birthday for me. Zach and Dixie's puppy is really cute! It almost makes me wish I hadn't gotten Bailey Spayed (Almost!). Well, the plan is that I am moving to Spokane the third week of June, weather our house is sold or not. Not sure yet exactly where we're going to live, but we'll find someplace great.

Unknown said...

Congrats Kemp, one year down and like twenty to go!!! ha ha suchee! I like your new background!! you know what Kel you have been slackin on the posting thing, way too long in between posts, you really need to work on that! anyway, you rock!!

Lindsey said...

Oh my gosh Kemper is so big!! He's is by the way adorable!! And Andie, I only remember seeing you when you were pregnant with her wow she's here and growing up!! Cute fam and cute blog! I am still learning of course, but i love it!! Thanks for checking our blog out!!

Shalie said...

where did you get the cute new background?