Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Speed Scrabble according to Scott Fife

I had to post this. Me, my Mom, and Brother Kyle were laughing so hard at this. They came over when Kyle was in town, to play speed scrabble. Most of the time Kyle just wins, but finally the last round my dad said he had won. We were all excited someone besides Kyle won:) So we took a closer look at his words...........we discovered, some of them weren't words at all! Our favorite was Manovy! Seriously, you just gotta love my Dad. Thanks for the laughs!

1 comment:

Peter said...

Hi Guys,

I too am a big fan of Speed Scrabble :) -- and wanted to let you guys know that you can also play Speed Scrabble Online.

Unfortunately the game won't let your Dad get away with manovy :(