It has been a long time since I did a words only post! But I need to be better about writting things down, and not just putting up pictures. I wish I could put up pictures but like I said before Chad says, NO pictures of him in uniform. He actually keeps trying to get me to go private....but I don't want to deal with doing that right now!
Today was a great, amazing day. I watched my husband graduate from POST. We had lots of family and friends come to see him, and those that couldn't come sent their love :) It was really cool. There were 42 total graduating. Chad has been working hard this past 5 weeks, and he is always in at least the top 5 when it comes to physical exams, written exams, and shooting. I am so proud of how hard he works, and goes after what he wants. And I have to give him a reality check when he is beating himself up about getting a 92% on a test!! Some perspective babe, please :) After he walked the line and we opened his packet on our way to lunch, we found out he had ranked second overall out of 42 deputies for outstanding achievement!! And it was really close. (So of course I have to cheer Chad up about coming in second) It is so sureal knowing how hard it was to get to this place, and how much he went through. And now to get to see this fire in him I have not seen in a long time, he is getting so much fulfilment from this. The Lord really has been good to us. And watching him today and seeing him graduate made everything so worth it. I will hold on to today, on days that are not so amazing. Cause I know as a cop, he will have some hard times. But we are ready and we can handle it together. Thanks for letting me brag on my Man a little bit:) I guarantee it won't be the last time.
10 months ago