Kemper and his new furry little friend, Mario. It is fitting he is wearing his Mario Wii pajamas don't you think?
Mario loving this dandilion. Thanks for the tip Aunt Mary Ellen!
Emmersen, and Charli loved playing with Mario on Easter Sunday at my Moms
Chad would say, "Kemper don't kiss the rodent!" :)
My sister read a sweet story to get everyone in the Easter spirit.
The search for the eggs is on!
Kyle hid the eggs, and I think its funny he thought Andi could reach through this thorny bush to get one of her orange eggs. We gotta get him some kids of his own, ha ha!
My Mom and Dad hid a little toy for all of the kids somewhere. And here is Andi with her petshop present.
Shay is reading one of the clues to find her easter present
Maddux and Kemp both loved their bats and ball
taking a break from the candy to play pet shops!
I love catching my boys snugling. If you know Chad, you know, he is a big snuggler.
Chad was harassing Kemper, and of course he thinks it is so funny.
Things are great around our house. The most exciting thing in the last week or so has been the hamster for sure! Kemper is loving him. I have to admit he is really sweet. My Brother Kyle brought him here from Salt Lake. My Aunt Mary Ellen had 11 baby hamsters, and she sold them all really fast. I am so glad we decided to get one. I thought 5 might be a little young for Kemper to have one, but he has been really great with the little fur ball! I would not leave him alone with Andi though, thats for sure!
Glad Kemper finally got his hamster! And wow, I'm shocked that he named it Mario :) Cute Easter pics, I miss you guys!
You are a nice mom, Kelli. I am scared of mice and hampsters.
Face it Kelli your the one who wanted the hamster.looks like you had a fun easter. We had some family come throught town it was nice. I know I really need to have you over. So what days are you free.
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