Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Carrie Underwood Concert

Pregnant Lexie, with Krissy holding her belly, Sharon, Brett, Emily, and me. Jess was taking the picture for us.

You can see Emily's arm, and Bretts head. She was so close

Carrie and two guitarists right next to us singing, Don't forget to remember me.

So close!!

Emily, Jessica, and me right in front of the runway

Josh Turner, Carrie's opening act. That is Emily's head in front

Me and Jess, amidst all of Carrie's adoring fans. Cheesy, I know!

Carrie came to town this weekend and I went with family and friends to see her. If you know me, you know I have been a HUGE fan of hers since her AI days. I read every interview, watch every performance and award show. Did you see her on American Idol gives back? Amazing. Chad thinks I have a woman crush on her! (Boys just don't get it) I do think she is completely talented, and I love her music. She was incredible, her voice is so amazing. I went to her first concert here, and she has grown a lot as an artist, and you can tell she has more money to spend on lights and stuff. It was great, we had the best seats. Thanks to Jessica. We were on the floor right next to the runway that came off the main stage. So Josh Turner, and then Carrie would come right next to us. Emily, got to hold Josh Turners hand, and she touched his boot. Almost all of us got to touch Carrie's hand, so cool. She was funny too, so down to earth, and gracious to all her fans. She is smokin hot too of course, I don't know why Chad would think I have a woman crush on her!:) It was great to have Brett, Emily's husband there. He was the only guy with us, he is cool like that! We joked that he was our FLDS husband the whole night!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Pool is finally open!!

My parents have a pool in their backyard and on memorial weekend they have it opened officially for the summer. So the whole family got together and had a great time. It was a little chilly, in the 60's, so my dad turned the pool heater up to like 85 degrees. And the kids would hang in the hot tub a lot too. No adults got in, cause we are lame. I didn't do a great job of taking pictures either. So now I am feeling like summer is really here, and I am so excited for all the hours in the pool.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Kempers last day of Preschool

Kemp said goodbye to his teacher Ms. Luce on monday. It has been a great year of preschool. I am so gald I put him in, and he will go back 3 days a week this fall. He has learned alot and made great friends. He will actually sit now and color, or do an art project. If you know how wild my little boy can be that is definatly progress!!

Sunday dinner at the park

My nieces, Bailey and Kortini with Moos

It was Jennie's, (my sister in law) birthday dinner Sunday, and it was a beautiful day. Chads family all met at a park, we had sandwich's and cake. We played volleyball, my poor team I am sorry I really suck at volleyball. It was fun though. Dixie and Zach brought their new puppy Moose with them. Moose is actually one of Brett and Emily's puppies. He is so cute, the kids were going crazy for him. Andie was trying to eat him I think. When I would bring him close to her face she would laugh, and her hands and feet would start twitching, and she would try her hardest to get the puppy to her mouth. It made me want to get a little dog just becuase of how excited my kids were about little Moose.

Saturday fun

Saturday Kemp found some fireworks in the garage so Chad got a can and a bucket and they lit some off. Kemper thought it was amazing, it was no River festival firework show, but kids get so excited about the most simple things. They are the only reason us adults don't get lazy and boring in our old age!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Step class, its not for wimps!!

You can't see us great but I am in between my 2 tall sis in laws!
Sharon is the excited one in the middle

We are all so buff

This past thursday was our step instructors, Sharons B-day. She is a rockin teacher. It took me like 3 months to keep up with, and learn the steps. I totally tripped over my step the other day, so I am obviously still learning. I have tried other teachers and no one compares. I am grateful 2 of my beautiful sisters, (Emily and Krissy) convinced me to try it out, and kept me coming when I sucked really bad. So she always says, "I lied, 8 more reps" of whatever we might be doing at the time. So almost the whole class made shirts that said, She Lied. And she got one that said, I lied 8 more. It was so great, she was really happy the whole class did that for her. Anyway, thanks Emily for taking pics so I can remember our sweet step class!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Husband and Wife: Tagged

My sexy husband
I was tagged by Shalie, so here it is.
Whats his name? Chadwick Byron Hessing
How long have you been married? 6 years in July
How old is he? 27
Who eats more? Him, usually
Who said I love you first? Chad, but I told him on our first official date we would get married someday, so I figured he should make the next move!
Who is taller? Chad
Who sings better? Me, chad is pretty aweful :)
Who is smarter? Gotta give that to my man for sure.
Whose temper is worse? Mine, Chad doesn't really get mad. If he does though......be afraid!
Who does the laundry? Me
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me, but Chad always ends up on my side by morning, bed hog.
Who cooks dinner? Depends
Who drives when you are together? Chad
Who is more stubborn? Chad
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Me, but Chad is good about that too.
Whose parents do you see the most? Thats a toss up, Chad sees his dad every day though.
Who has more friends? Probably me, we have alot of the same though.
Who has the most siblings? Chad, 2 brothers, 3 sisters.
Who wears the pants in the family? We both do, we are a good team. I liked Shalies answer, we both have a leg!
I Tag, Emily M., Jody, Jessica, and Sommers. You have to do it girls!